Tuesday, October 18, 2005

"Keep Your Fork" & Thoughts on Heaven

I just read one of those forwarded things entitled "Keep Your Fork". You've probably seen it at some point because it's been around for a while. It tells of a young woman who is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Her pastor comes by her house so they can discuss the details of her funeral and as he's walking out, she has an odd request: to be buried with a fork in her hand. The reason? When people would gather together for a dinner and folks begin clearing the plates from the main course, someone would invariably remind her to keep her fork. Why? Because something better was on the way - namely, dessert! She wanted people to pass buy her casket, see the fork in her hand and ask the pastor what the deal was. And sure enough, people did just that. Which of course opened the door for the pastor to relate the story and to tell how this young lady knew that she was headed for something way better - she was headed for the Throne Room of the King. The best is certainly yet to come!

Anyhow - I have to confess that I love those sappy stories like that that get you misty-eyed (well, at least they do me!). A lot of times forwards are annoying as all get out, especially those that you see like every other week! But some - like this one - I think are kind of cool. There's one about a grocer that trades food for marbles that gets me, too. Shoot - there are probably about a zillion of these little stories floating around out there that are equally "tear-jerking". But I like the thought of keeping your fork and knowing that something better's coming after we pass from this world to our true home. You'd think we'd be eager, like Paul was, to go home to be with the Lord (from the first chapter of Phillippians - "having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better" (NKJV)). But I find myself holding too dearly to the things of this life - thinking of all the things I haven't done yet, the places I've yet to visit, the experiences I've yet to... well, experience! Loved ones I want to spend more time with. New friends to be made and old friends to draw closer to! Besides all that, I'm sure we all know people that we want to see come into the Kingdom - we want to be assured of their eternal destination before we pass there ourselves. There's work left to be done here, that's for certain! And unfortunately, that's not an area that I'm diligent about. I tend to let the daily living with its cares and problems and worries crowd my mind and my life until there's little room for what matters most in this life. And often, I find myself forgetting what really does matter most, or not even answering the question correctly.

So what does matter most? Seeing people who are lost and away from God turn to Him and accept His gift of salvation and redemption fully. Seeing them come to know Christ - truly know Him as He desires to be known! - and come to love Him and to trust Him. To minister not only to those who are lost, but to those who are hurting. Those who have lost loved ones, those who are facing illness and diseases, those who are depressed or weighed down beneath the cares of this life... those who for whatever reason need a little encouragement, a little extra sign that someone sees their pain and that someone cares. All too often I neglect to reach out and touch someone - whether it be physical like a hug or emotional like a word or a card or whatever. I see the hurting people around me and stay in my own little comfort zone, safe and secure. Because, after all, to come out of the shell of my comfort zone to minister to someone else exposes all my vulnerabilities. To reach out and touch someone exposes me to rejection, that vilest of things. But a life lived in fear isn't lived at all. If I am so afraid of rejection and of failure that I never move, never try, never attempt to be a blessing to others, how can I ever experience the abundant life God has planned for me?

A friend of mine who has a heart for ministry has been challenging me lately. I think sometimes they're challenging me (on so many levels!) without even realizing it. But seeing how they perceive the world and their place in it, seeing how they look for and seek after God's will for their life on a regular basis until it's as natural as breathing... Lord, I want to be like that! I want to have such a heart for you that the things that used to be natural to me are natural no longer. I know Your ways are above my ways, but I want to work on closing that gap a little more. To get to the place where I know You a little more each day than I do the day before. To constantly strive to have a heart that longs not only for You, but for your children who are hurting. To have a burden for those around me who need You. Lord, open my eyes to the opportunities for ministry that I pass by every day. Open my eyes to Your plan for my life. I surrender my life to your perfect will, Father. "Here I am - send me"...

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