Well, I have made a momentous decision. I'm packing away my scale until next Tuesday. Actually, I'm having my husband pack away my scale - I'd give in long before then, I'm sure! You see, even though my health coach advised against it, I've been a daily weigher from the beginning. And we're not talking about just once a day, either - oh, no! Several times a day. Against all reason! Right after finishing a meal, when I know it's going to be up! I mean, c'mon - what's up with that thinking?? So this morning I decided that I wasn't going to let those little numbers influence my day any more. I saw a thread on the discussion boards about giving up weighing until Easter - I know I'd never make it that long! But I think I can hold off for a week at a time... maybe. We'll see. My husband is pretty ruthless about it (or at least is threatening to be!) so it's pretty much out of my hands. Unless I get truly desparate and sneak to a friend's house to weigh on their scales? No, no, no. The madness stops here and now!
On a totally different note, I had the best hot cocoa with sf raspberry syrup tonight. I tried making the cocoa with just a little water at first to make sure I got all the lumps out (a handy little tip from the boards - thanks to whoever suggested it!) and then added more water & syrup and nuked. Ever so yummy! I think that's my new favorite - especially since we had snow once again here in northwest Georgia today. Not sure what's up with the crazy weather, but it definitely made me want to curl up with a steaming mug of chocolately goodness! Mmmmmmmmm.....
And on another totally different note, is anyone else an avid watcher of the Biggest Loser? This is the first season I've ever watched it but I'm hooked. It's a big deal at our house, mainly because we have to commandeer the TV away from our three year old for the night. But since this is the first reality show I've watched in a while, it amazes me how into it I get!! I mean, I'm rooting for these folks like they're my best friend! And the fact that we're all in this "getting healthy NOW" mode probably contributes a lot to that. I actually yelped and cheered when the black team managed to beat out the blue team tonight, against amazing odds. Noah thought I'd lost my mind! I mean, there was no sword fighting going on, no spaceships, no dancing, no singing, nothing to him that would warrant any such goings on. But he just shook his head and went back to playing. Silly mommy!
My last and totally final different note for the night: I go to the eye doctor tomorrow to see what's causing all this blurred vision. It started right after I started on Medifast, which really freaked me out! I don't think it's related, but it will be a relief to know what's going on. So say a prayer for me, if you think about it, that the doctor will know what the deal is and have a ready solution!
We are not TV watchers normally, but for several seasons now, we are Biggest Losers addicts. Our TV is off usually all week until.....Tues. night. It is so encouraging to watch the transformations. Glad to see you guys found it, I'm trying to get my sister into it. We love it!