Monday, March 1, 2010

Noah's New Prayer

Tonight before supper, the kids were playing in the living room.  Greg was on his computer and I was in the kitchen getting things ready.  Anna Grace is at the stage where anything Noah has, she wants.  She also has started hitting Noah, usually inadvertently I think, but sometimes not. 

Well, tonight, he took a toy away from her earlier and she had decided she wanted it back.  So she came over to get it and apparently hauled off and hit him in the arm.  Noah exclaimed, "Hey!  Sister hit me!"  And then before either one of us could say anything or admonish her or anything, he began to pray, "Lord Jesus, help Anna not to hit me anymore.  In Jesus' name, Amen."

I feel like this is HUGE!  This is the first time he's prayed spontaneously like that, other than for healing.  He's used to praying when someone is hurt or sick and doesn't think a thing about it - just goes up and lays his little hand on them and prays.  And he's used to praying at bedtime and before meals and all that.  But this is the first time he'd ever just prayed for a situation to change, know what I mean?  It really made me feel like, hey - maybe...  just maybe...  we're doing OK as parents.  Maybe we really are training him up the way we're supposed to.  Most of the time, all I see are the things I'm doing wrong.  The areas where I know I'm missing it.  So tonight it warmed my heart to know that in spite of all my mistakes and all the things I'm not doing very well, he is learning and he is drawing closer to God.  That's been my prayer for him all along - that he know God and love Him beyond all else.  That he will be totally ravished by the Heavenly Father and that he will long to worship him all the days of his life. 

Thank You, Lord, for little glimpses like this that reassure this mother's heart that we're at least pointing him in the right direction!  :)   Thank You for honoring my prayers for him...  and for honoring his prayers, too!  {Anna Grace didn't hit him anymore tonight - that's an answer to prayer for sure!}

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