Saturday, February 13, 2010

First Posting for 2010

Welcome to my blog! I just spent an inordinate amount of time trying to locate this old blog... tried every user name, e-mail, and password combination I could think of that I've used for the past 10 years... but to no avail. Then suddenly, wham-o! Found it! Made me very happy, needless to say. Not that there was anything earth shattering here. The main reason I started this blog way back in 2005 was because a friend of mine (who later became my husband) was doing one and it sounded like fun.

Fast forward almost four years - same scenario. Greg is once again blogging and so I thought, hey! Why not? After all, I have just as much to say as anyone. Especially on topics that don't really matter. I can discourse for days on the merits of one brand of peanut butter versus another or on the Imagination Movers vs. the Backyardigans vs. the Wiggles (yes, I do have a 3 year old in the house). But I thought this blog would be a good idea for another reason. I think journaling is good for the soul. Spilling your heart out on a sheet of paper (or a computer screen) can be very cathartic. So you'll probably get more information than you want to about me and about my struggles and my life, if you decide to stick around or come back for a visit. You'll hear a lot about my relationship with God. A lot about my struggles to be a better person. Right now, you'll hear a lot about my struggle to lose weight and my program-of-choice, Take Shape for Life (aka, Medifast). You'll hear stories about my kids and about my husband and probably about my friends and my co-workers and my folks and my family. Most of it may in fact bore you to tears. Actually, unless you are one of the above-mentioned friends or family, that's probably a given! Nothing here will be new revelations or noteworthy opinions or offensive rants worthy of comment over a water cooler.

So having said all that, if you're still reading, cool! Thanks! Welcome to my world and to my blog! :)

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